Sunday, October 16, 2011

We Have Sealer!!
We touched up a few areas that needed Metal Glaze or a little more sanding, and went out today to apply the Epoxy Sealer from PPG (JP385). Sealer will provide a uniform color to everything on the car, and will provide a good sticky surface for the paint to adhere to.
We needed one good wet coat of sealer to cover the car, and the local shop said that one quart would do the trick. I'm glad I had a second quard on hand, because we ended up just a little bit short. We used a spraygun that is new to us, and is different than the one we used for SlickSand. It took a few sprays on a piece of paper to dial in the gun, and then we were off!
In order to spray both sides of the doors without repositioning them, we had to make this silly looking modification to the door bucks. There's a piece of wood inside each door that is attached to the long piece of wood, so it is not as precarious as it looks.

As you can see from the first picture below, the sprayed finish has a little bit of a shine. Once this has cured, we will get back to sanding the car one more time. This time, we will use wet/dry sandpaper at 500 grit to wetsand the entire car.

We're getting closer!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

320 Grit is Almost Done

We spent most of the daylight hours this long weekend in the driveway sanding. The weather was beautiful, breezy and 75-80 degrees each day!

I ordered a set of Soft Sanders (that's a brand name) to help us with the various nooks and crannies that needed sanding. I wish I would have ordered them long ago. The Durablocks that we've been using (and that I pictured in my previous post) trap the sanding dust against the car and turn it into the finest talc.

With the Soft Sander, the dust can escape. It keeps the sandpaper from loading up, speeds sanding, reduces fatigue. They do start to deform after hours and hours of gripping them, but they were definitely worth the money!

These pictures were taken mid-day Sunday. Since then, we finished sanding the body, used Metal Glaze on a number of pinholes, and are doing final inspection and touch up on the hood and body. We still need to finish sanding the doors, but we're hoping to spray our first coat of sealer before the weekend.

Here are the pics: