Sunday, July 3, 2011

Filling in the Low Spots

We continued our assault on the low spots where the doors meet the fenders, and have also been working to smooth the transition between the spoiler and the body.
We're happy with the passenger side door surface. I do need to reduce the door gap a bit. You can see it is larger than the driver's side door gap. The driver's side door needs one more quick touch-up with Rage. You can tell where it is needed as the unsanded darker green Rage reveals the low spot.
Notice the "grain" of darker and lighter colors. Those are the various layers of Rage that we put down, then sanded through to get a smooth surface. This is a great product to get a smooth surface, and we will end up using most of 2 gallons of it.
The rear of each door required much more work. Both doors sat up above the fender, but at the same time didn't stick out as far as the fenders. As a result, we had to add Rage to both the door and the fender to get it to line up. With one more application and a careful sanding, we should be ready to finalize the door gaps. The gaps back here will need to be a little wider due to the shape of the door. The top inner part of the door swings pretty close to the fender as you open it, and we don't want it knocking paint off later when we close the door.
In the picture below you might just be able to tell that the body beneath the door is sticking out a bit. We'll pull a washer off of each of the body-mounting bolts to reduce this, but we might end up adding a little Rage to the bottom of the door as well.
One last look across the front edge of the spoiler. We took some flexible plastic tubing and cut a section out of it to make a rounded trowel for smoothing the Rage between the spoiler and the body. It turned out really well. If you click on the picture below to expand it, you might just be able to see the darker green line where the edge of the trowel fell off of the spoiler surface and left a low spot. This is easily fixed with, you guessed it, a quick swipe of Rage.

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